Hello & Welcome to Knots and Notions
Hi there! My name is Tina, a 35-year-old Irish mammy of two little girls, wife, and a self-confessed dreamer with a flair for creativity. But before I became any of these things, I was just a very lost little girl trying to figure out the world—and to be honest, I still am. The only difference now is I’ve got a bit more life experience, a sprinkle more confidence, and most importantly, the burning desire to finally do something for myself and my future.
That’s how Knots and Notions was born.
I’ll be honest, I have no idea where this little venture will go. Maybe it’ll fizzle out, or maybe it’ll spark something amazing—not just for me but for you too. My hope is that this blog becomes a space for anyone who needs a little push to “do the thing” they’ve been dreaming about. You know, the thing you’ve talked yourself out of a million times because you overthink it to death.
Oh, I know that feeling too well. There have been countless things I’ve wanted to do in my life—big and small—but I always seem to talk myself out of them. I spend so much time planning, worrying about how to make it perfect, and trying to predict success, that by the time it’s “go time,” my energy is zapped, my confidence is shot, and I’m left wondering, “Why did I think I could do this in the first place?”
Sound familiar?
That’s why this blog is as much for me as it is for anyone else reading. It’s my way of holding myself accountable and giving life to all the little ideas that pop into my head—whether it’s a DIY project, a creative venture, or just finding small ways to make life a little more beautiful.
So here’s to this new chapter. Here’s to starting something messy and imperfect, but starting all the same. Here’s to making mistakes, celebrating wins, and sharing the journey.
And most of all, here’s to you—the dreamers, the doers, and the not-quite-sure-how-I’m-going-to-pull-this-off’ers. If you’re here, I hope you find inspiration, a laugh, or even just the reassurance that you’re not alone in figuring it all out.
Let’s do this together.
Much love,
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